Camp Accounting, Inc. was founded in 2012 to fill the void of accounting training. Many business minded people use an accounting software, such as Quickbooks or Peachtree, without really understanding what the software is doing “in the background.” We believe once you truly understand the basics of accounting, the software that you use (regardless of which kind) will make more sense and ultimately your focus will be on the reports and not the day to day transactions.
Camp Accounting has an allegiance to the entrepreneurial spirit and want its Campers to understand their financial reports and position in order to make sound decisions about the growth of their business. (Note: Camp Accounting is not a CPA firm nor does it offer any tax advice.)
“Accounting is boring…”
…But it doesn’t have to be. We know the view of accounting is cold, boring, monotonous, and lonely-to most business owners.
For hundreds of years accounting has been the means to tell a company’s story: how it started, how it is sustaining, and its potential to grow in the future. Accounting has also been taught the same way for hundreds of years using the sterile formula: Assets = Liabilities + Equity, part of Generally Accepting Accounting Principles.
Camp Accounting, a four-hour training program, is going to change that view using the familiar theme of camping and guiding fellow “campers” through a new accounting model called Diamond Tree.
The extraordinary result of Camp Accounting is that Campers acquire knowledge they can share with others, making it a skill that is easily transferable to their schooling or business.
Camp Accounting
16787 Beach Blvd # 217
Huntington Beach CA 92647
Upcoming Workshops

Accounting “Basics” 4-hr Workshop on 8/22/15, 1 pm-5 pm, Training Room, Fountain Valley
Four hour training ground “hiking” you through the Basics of accounting: You will understand Assets, Liabilities, Equity, Profit, Costs of Goods Sold, Expenses and how they relate to the Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statement. For diving deeper, view our Debit/Credit workshop.
Register HERE
Debit/Credit 2-hr Workshop on 8/22/15, 5:30 pm-7:30 pm, Training Room, Fountain Valley
Two hour training ground continuing where we left off in the Basics workshop and “hiking” you through how Debits and Credits truly work. You will learn the dynamics and nature of these two positions in accounting. Prerequisite: You must have taken Camp Accounting’s Accounting Basics workshop in order to attend the Debit/Credit workshop.
Register HERE
Accounting “Basics” 4-hr Workshop on 8/29/15, 8 am-Noon, Knott’s Berry Farm Hotel, Buena Park
Four hour training ground “hiking” you through the Basics of accounting: You will understand Assets, Liabilities, Equity, Profit, Costs of Goods Sold, Expenses and how they relate to the Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statement. For diving deeper, view our Debit/Credit workshop.
Register HERE